About Manchester

2020 News Releases

December 2020

Norwell senior Colleen Caylor wins full-ride Honors Scholarship
Manchester says ‘thank you’ to health care professionals
WPTA: Manchester's Trent Towne answers COVID-19 vaccine questions
Manchester Giving Tuesday pulls in record $75,108
First-gen student at Manchester is Realizing the Dream in STEM field
Lynn to conduct ‘A Family Portrait’ at Carnegie Hall

November 2020

Manchester honors class (re)imagines leadership in Dec. 8 program
Manchester freezes tuition for 2021-22 academic year
MU communication findings featured at national conference
Manchester adds Fortnite to varsity-level eSports
Manchester wins 2020 U Can Crush Hunger campaign
Jazz, percussion ensembles perform Nov. 19
New MU scholarship honors Multicultural Excellence in Leadership
Manchester Symphony Orchestra offers ‘Winter Air’ Nov. 16
Manchester joins ‘The Year We Left Home’ author for statewide virtual event

October 2020

MU fall choral concert is Nov. 1
Manchester creates full-ride Honors Scholarship
2020 trick-or-treat canceled; can collection continues
Manchester eliminates tuition costs for many incoming Indiana undergrads
Cancer Services nominates Calinski for leadership award
Lahman writes classroom chapter in ‘The Handbook of Listening’

September 2020

$1 million grant to help add doctor of physical therapy
Hetrick named staff member of the year
We're No, 1! Manchester wins spirit award
U.S. News and World ReportManchester is among the best colleges in the Midwest
Virtual 5K kicks off Manchester 2020 Homecoming
Manchester honors top pharmacy preceptors

August 2020

Princeton Review names Manchester a ‘Best in the Midwest’ university
Role grows for Manchester pharmacy dean
Manchester names Rospond as department chair, associate dean in Pharmacy Programs
Spartans United Pledge
Manchester University announces reopening plan
Manchester eSports joins Great Lakes conference

July 2020

HCAC decision leads to changes in Manchester athletics programs
Intern from Fort Wayne aids Boston adults seeking transition from no job or underemployed to lasting careers
Manchester student from Rochester has summer internship helping clients in West Virginia public defender’s office 
University presidents gather with Indiana state, city and civic leaders in virtual summit on anti-racism and community safety
Case named dean of arts and sciences at Manchester
417 on Dean’s List at Manchester University
Longtime Manchester University professors retire

June 2020

Manchester offers online COVID-19 summer course for incoming students
Manchester announces faculty promotions, tenure decisions

North Manchester July 4 fireworks move to high school
Dargo named program director of Master of Athletic Training
Manchester University sets record on Giving Day 2020
Celia Cook-Huffman joins Manchester as VP for academic affairs

May 2020

Manchester responds to COVID-19 with free tuition plan
Manchester University announces plan to open in fall 2020
Twomey named to endowed chair in MU College of Business
Manchester to launch population health major in fall

April 2020

Students at Oak Leaves win statewide press awards
Manchester pharmacogenomics students volunteer at Patients Choice Laboratories
MU dance marathon goes online to aid Riley Hospital for Children 
COVID-19 pandemic fast tracks Manchester pharmacy graduation
Manchester University pharmacy camp goes online
Manchester University moves 2020 Commencement to fall
Campus pantry delivers food to Manchester students in time of COVID-19
Manchester undergrads get pass/no pass option for semester

March 2020

MU donates 2,000 gloves for COVID-19 response
Manchester waives enrollment deposit for fall
Manchester University donates masks, gowns to Parkview Wabash Hospital
Manchester University expands COVID-19 response (March 17)
MU dance marathon to aid Riley Hospital for Children
Pollonais to perform Songs of the Islands, celebrate Caribbean culture

February 2020

Taste of Africa offered March 7 at Manchester University
Manchester University to honor Steve Ford at 2020 Commencement
Speaker explores Harry Potter, The Hunger Games through lens of peace studies
Manchester offers online graduate PGx certificate for health care professionals
Five join Manchester University Board of Trustees
Manchester University Theatre Society offers variety show
MU stages collegiate debut of Stewart Copeland opera, offers VIA
Spartan Smash high school eSports tourney is Feb. 29

January 2020

Manchester hosts Tournées international film festival
Manchester hosts Polar Plunge to aid Special Olympics
Humphries is top Collegiate Music Educator in Indiana
Workplace fatigue in summer camp is seminar topic
Voice for grassroots organizing is MLK speaker at Manchester
Martin Luther King Jr.'s last address on a campus was at Manchester
Employers invited to register for Manchester Career Fair 
389 on fall 2019 Dean’s List at Manchester University
Kaopuiki joins Manchester as vice president for enrollment, marketing
Spartan Regiment marching band to take the field in 2020
Manchester University starts spring semester with ‘brilliant’ challenge
Manchester invites high school students to submit compositions
Hundreds of students to compete at Manchester Science Olympiad 

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